This is the bouquet for ultimate elegance & shine. As an integral part of our ultimate collection, this long-running bestseller set comes with your own, personalised 24″ deco bubble balloon including nine mini-balloons and two side bunches in all chrome colours. If you like it shiny and glamorous, this is the right buy for you.
Make it your own
- Enter your own, personalised text
- Choose your own chrome balloon colours
Our Ultimate Chrome Deco Bubble Helium Balloon Bunch includes
- Customisable, Helium Bubble Balloon with Mini-Balloons (20″)
- 4x Gold Chrome Helium Balloons (12″)
- 4x Silver Chrome Helium Balloons (12″)
- 4x Rose Gold Chrome Helium Balloons (12″)
Floating times
The solid colour chrome balloons will last for 24 hours and the 20″ deco bubble balloon will float for 3+ days, while we’ve seen them last for weeks. We include Hi-Float for all latex balloons, for them to float as long as possible.
The picture is showing a 24″ bubble balloon. Please note that the 18″ bubble balloon option would come without a tassel & only 3 mini-balloons as seen here with our Humble Collection Bouquet.