Our best-seller Metallic Star Bouquet now comes in a shade of pastel blue. Comes in a bouquet of 7, something that is minimal and still wow your friends!
Our Metallic Star Helium Balloon Bunch – Pastel Blue includes:
- Pastel Blue, Helium Metallic Star (18″)
- 2x Satin Blue Helium Balloons (12″)
- 2x Metallic Blue Helium Balloons (12″)
- 2x Silver Confetti Helium Balloons (12″)
Floating Times
The 12″ silver confetti balloons last for 12 hours, while the 12″ solid colour metallic & satin blue helium balloons would last for 24 hours. The metallic star would stay afloat for around 3 days. Hi-Float is included for all latex balloons, so they’ll float longer.