A classic balloon bouquet, featuring a 40″ helium number balloon in various colours, a personalised heart, circle or star foil balloon and six additional helium balloons in matching colours. It’s an affordable option to fit all birthday celebrations’ budgets.
Our Single Number Foil Helium Balloon Bunch includes:
- Helium Number / Digit Balloon in Assorted Colours (40″)
- Star, Heart or Circle-shaped Helium Balloon (18″)
- 4x Helium balloons in Matching / Selected Colours (12″)
- 2x Silver Confetti Balloons or in Matching Colours (12″)
Floating Times
The transparent helium confetti balloons (12″) float for 12 hours while the solid colour, standard balloons last for 24 hours. For the star, heart or circle foil balloon, you can expect a floating time of around 3 days and the large 40″ number balloon can stay afloat for around 7 days.